- Mayor of London
- Transport for London (TfL)
- Haringey Council
- Grainger PLC
Mayor of London
Section 106 Planning Obligation Agreement 11/07/12
Transport for London
Haringey Council “Grainger plc and Haringey Council have appointed Quarterbridge” 16/10/12
- Wards Corner – Response to the Overview and Scrutiny and the Housing and Regeneration Scrutiny Panel Recommendations 21/01/20
- Report into the review of the section 106 clause on the Market Facilitator 2019
Grainger PLC
Grainger guarantor to MAM Seven Sisters Market TfL Lease
MAM/Quarterbridge agency role to all stakeholders:
Legal Action:
- Haringey Council & TfL Public Sector Equality Duty under Section 149 of the Equality Act 2010
- Haringey Council Section 106 & TfL failure to prosecute
Bindmans letters to TfL and Haringey Council